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Site Security Quiz
What is a D.D.O. and why is this role so important?
Date, Depature, Operation
Designated Door Opener
Deputy Duty Officer
What are the different types of foot formations?
Box, circel, front line
Box, Dimond, V Formation
Thight formation, Loose formation, Secure formation
What are the 3 basic rules for searching a venue
An area with multiple emergency exits
What does the acronym S.M.E.A.C. stand for?
Safe Room, Mission, Evacuation, Alternate Route, Casualty count
Situation, Mission, Evaluation, Adaption, Cotrol area
Situation, Mission, Execution, Administration, Communication
What are two basic reason for security at a site?
Protection of the Executive loation
Protection of the VIP and the Security Perimiter
Protection of the VIP, Protection of the general public
There are generally two (2) layers of security set up for the purpose of monitoring, controlling, and /or preventing access to a given site, what are those layers called?
Large and small security layers
Inner and outter security layers
Top and bottom security levels
Moblie and post security layers
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